I have a friend that is gay…

A cotton bun watching television

There was this friend of mine, when he was a child, he enjoyed watching television, just like the other kids. The only difference is that, he was more attracted towards same gender’s character. He slowly started to notice that he seemed to be different from the majority.

cotton-made bun character using a computer to research and understand what it means to be gay

He then tried to find the answer on the internet. Neither the school nor the Asian parents had covered this topic before. He then slowly understood, this is what people called homosexual and there is this minority of people in the world who happened to be attracted towards the same gender

A cotton bun that cant seem to fit with his friends

As he grew older, he started to realize no matter how many friends he has, there seems to be an invisible wall in between him and the others. He had never been able to be his true self. He was slowly getting tired and lonely.

Cotton bun that is looking at other heterosexual couples

Looking at the other heterosexual couples, he often thinks to himself: will there be one day when I can walk out with my loved one in the public, without having to worry about others’ perception, just like a ‘normal’ person?

a cotton bun that is dreaming of being loved

He has been dreaming all the while, looking forward to this ‘unrealistic’ dream to come true, maybe one day or someday…

Do you think he can get lucky some day?

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